Home Parties for Candle/Soap Sales
Contributed by
Valerie with questions!)
I get the guest list from the
hostess and print up the invites on my
computer and send them out about
2 weeks before the party. I also ask the
hostess to call her guests a
couple of days before to remind them and get
an idea of how many will be
For having the party the hostess
1. A basket full of goodies in
her choice of sent/color (worth about $25-$30)
2. 15% of party total in free
product (that she picks from my inventory
that night)
3. 50% off any candle for every
party booked through her
I take A TON of
candles/soaps/salts. I also bring 2 shelving units and a
card table and use the hostess'
dining table and whatever else she has
available. Bring white sheets and
whatever else you have to decorate your
display, because, of course,
presentation is EVERYTHING!! I usually arrive
an hour before the party to set
up. I also have cards printed up that have
important info. (ex. Gel Candles
Burn 2-3x's longer than wax, Seem to glow
from within) and I place those
around the room so they have some knowlege
before I even speak. :o)
People take home what they buy
from me that night and I tell them that they can order
custom from me as well. SOOOOO many people have raved about
the fact that they don't have to wait for thier order, so I
would caution against a "book" party.
I let people look and smell as
soon as they arrive, they usually begin
assembling thier *piles* right
away. :o) It's sort of like *the sale on
Christmas Eve* with people trying
to get their favorite candles before
someone grabs them....hehehe.
When the hostess thinks most of
the people have arrived I do my
presentation. KEEP IT SHORT!! You
will lose thier attention quickly. I
just introduce myself, let them
know that I personally make all the
products they see. I also tell
them quickly (about two sentences) about
how I got started with the
business. Then I play the Left & Right Game
that is on Dee's site that Amy
sent last week. I give away a nice ($8-$10)
candle for the game and if there
are many people I also throw in a second
smaller gift. Everyone is
laughing by the time it's done.
Then I tell the a little about
the candles (long burn time, seems to glow
from within, ect.) I talk about
safety A LITTLE, you'll lose them if you
drone on too long. ( I really
drill it in while they are paying me because
I really have thier attention
then..hehe) Then I describe the benefits of
my soaps and bath products.
Then I let them know about all
the benefits of being a hostess, and I
stress the fact that I send out
the invites so they don't even have to
worry about that part. SHOW them
the awesome basket that the hostess gets,
I pass it around.
After that I just tell them to go
and look around and feel free to ask me
any questions. Then I just wander
around and listen to what they are
saying to see if I can help them
find a specific scent, style, ect.
When they are paying I again
stress important safety issues (keep wick
trimmed, don't burn too long, ect.)
except I tell them that it's also to
keep the candle beautiful, I
think they might actually do it to protect
thier investment..lol. I also ask
if they would like to be a hostess, and
get thier name and number and
approx. date(if they are interested). And
again a big smile and a Thank
A couple of other things...look
your best, smile, you ARE sort of selling
yourself...and have some nice
candles burning so they can see how beautiful
they look burning.
Ok...that got really long...lol.
Hope I helped and if you have any more
questions please ask away! :o)